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Property Listing:  Demo: Text "Property25" to 71441


How it works?

Just log-in, add the property information, and upload pictures. You then put your yard sign or Rider in front of the property. That's it! (see sample sign below)

As prospective buyer's text in for information, there phone # is sent right to your mobile phone or email. Whenever there is change in property price, or any information added or changed, the text alert sent out to all prospects.


Text message marketing for apartments, Text message marketing for realtors, text message marketing for real estate, Text message service for real estate.

The Property Listing helps stream line the process of setting up and generating sales leads for property listings. Getting information all in one place on a property listing is easy. You will not have to worry about the prospect losing a Flyer, now all the information is sent through a SMS text and easy to refer back to at all times. 

When a buyer comes along and sees a property listing, he or she can now text the keyword set up to 71441 for instant information. Links to mobile websites can also accompany the text message to give more details on the house. The information will automatically be sent to a sales agent. All the information in one place.

Listing information includes the address, price, and the number of bed and baths. The seller can also write their own custom details, such as including if a house is close to the highway or is in a good school district.


Display of 20" x 20" sign at property for sale


Sample text message

property Property Listing (new)